The love of IkOankar (the Divine) cannot be inculcated through wealth, pilgrimages, recitations, austerities, or disciplines. The being who connects with IkOankar consciously becomes worthy of IkOankar’s love. Their mind remains immersed in the Nam of IkOankar in every moment; they do not go anywhere else in search of bliss. They remain in a constant state of joy due to their humility. Worldly comforts and praise received because of various practices like recitations and austerities are worthless before the love of IkOankar. On the other hand, a being entangled in attachment to the material world and relationships remains miserable despite having attained worldly comforts.
ko prem suāu hai   caran citav man māhi.
nānak birhī braham ke   ān na katahū jāhi.8.
-Guru Granth Sahib 1364
Literal Translation
Interpretive Transcreation
Poetical Dimension
In the eighth salok, Guru Arjan says, Those who experience the taste of love remember the Nam (Identification with IkOankar). They are the lovers of the Supreme Being, IkOankar (One Creative and Pervasive Force, 1Force, the One). They do not go anywhere else. Those seekers beginning to taste and experience the love of the Beloved, IkOankar, are in a constant state of remembrance, praise, and Identification with the One. They savor the essence of Identification with IkOankar through the love of IkOankar. They contemplate their Beloved in every moment. In the joy of that love, they are focused on the feet of the Beloved— they humbly submit and seek only to serve and be in love with the Beloved. Real enjoyment happens there, where every act is motivated by love, humility, and devotion. And those lovers who experience the enjoyment and excitement of love remain fixed on the Beloved. They are no longer swayed by the fleeting attachments. They do not go anywhere else in search of bliss. Even when they feel separated from the Beloved, they do not go anywhere else. They accept the ebbing and flowing of their relationship with the Beloved. They do not practice austerities or rituals or seek out grueling pilgrimages. They remain with the Beloved in thought, word, and action every moment. Will we seek external experience or long for the deep excitement of love? Will we savor the essence of Identification with IkOankar? 