In the third composition, Guru Teghbahadar says,
O Mother! I have received the wealth of the Identification of the 1-Light through the Wisdom. Now my mind has stopped running around for the sake of Maya and it has come to rest. The Guru identifies with the seeker’s voice and uses the maternal figure’s invocation to tell the world that the mind has stopped running and come to sit and rest within. We all have things that we run around for, our own specific drivers and desires, the things that motivate our every action. But when we have the wealth of the 1-Light’s Identification within, our minds come to sit and rest, relaxing in stillness. We are no longer driven by Maya, or attachment to the material and to our relationships. This stillness is what we are all looking for, so how do we get the mind to rest? This happens only with the wealth of the 1-Light’s Identification.
O Mother! I have received the wealth of the Identification of the 1-Light through the Wisdom. It is due to this Identification that craving for attachment to material things and attachment to our relationships flees the body, and we experience the essence of wisdom, this filth-free deep knowledge. In this state, greed and attachment do not touch us; instead, we instill the devotion of IkOankar (One Universal Integrative Force, 1Force, the One) in our hearts.
O Mother! I have received the wealth of the Identification of the 1-Light through the Wisdom. In this filth-free deep knowledge and the Identification of IkOankar, the ignorance, illusions, and doubts of many births and lifetimes have gone away. It is through receiving the jewel of Identification that our cravings for the material are removed from our minds, our desires perished, and we immerse ourselves in all-encompassing complete happiness. Whether through literal different lifetimes or through the many stages of life that we experience in one lifetime, we spend so much time accumulating doubts and wanting. We watch these things add up over time, and it keeps us from reaching a point where we feel happy and satisfied. Our desires may be quenched for a short period of time, but we end up finding a new thing to want, a new desire to fixate on, a new doubt to add to our already doubt-filled minds. So what does it mean to have this all-encompassing and complete happiness? It is throwing out any preconceived notions of what happiness is. It is a contentment or happiness that is full, that comes wholly from within us rather than outside of us. It is rooted in our internal states and not in the external judgments and metrics of happiness that we tend to take to heart. This is what happens when Identification enters us. Instead of constantly looking around at other things and trying to figure out what we need to be happy, we understand what happiness is for
us and how to live it within ourselves.
O Mother! I have received the wealth of the Identification of the 1-Light through the Wisdom. Those to whom the gracious IkOankar becomes compassionate are those who reflect on IkOankar’s virtues and enshrine them in the mind. When that Identification of the 1-Light enters us, we feel the grace of the compassionate One, and it is then that we sing the praises of the Earth-Knower. How do we receive this grace and compassion? The Guru tells us that only a rare one acquires this wealth by becoming Guru-centered or Wisdom-centered.
When the wealth of Identification enters us, major changes occur. The sense of self, ownership, and desire for material and nonmaterial relationships and accumulations vanish. Even the thought of wanting anything disappears, and desire does not dwell within us. This is when the wavering and the frenzy of the mind ends, and it is submerged in devotion, and it happens to those who live according to the Wisdom, who constantly feel the grace of the 1-Light and sing the praises of the One. Will we prepare ourselves for this gift of Identification? Will we steady our minds, rid ourselves of desires and cravings, and find complete and constant happiness?