pauri (stanza), revealed by Guru Nanak Sahib, is accompanied by three
saloks. These saloks use satirical arguments to counter the so-called traditional belief of sutak (a superstitious practice done for a few days after the birth of a child) and redefine the practice itself. The first salok comprises six lines and depicts the pervasiveness of sutak while offering the wisdom of the Guru as its remedy. The second salok contains four lines and describes various immoral human acts as the sutak of the different sensory organs that causes human suffering. The third salok also comprises four lines and openly rejects the idea of sutak while establishing the supremacy and pervasiveness of the Command of IkOankar (the Divine). This pauri praises the greatness of the true Guru and encourages the individual to seek the sanctuary of the Guru to remove one’s shortcomings and faults.
m: 1.
sabho sūtaku bharamu hai dūjai lagai jāi.
jammaṇu marṇā hukamu hai bhāṇai āvai jāi.
khāṇā pīṇā pavitru hai ditonu rijaku sambāhi.
nānak jin̖ī gurmukhi bujhiā tin̖ā sūtaku nāhi.3.
Literal Translation
Interpretive Transcreation
Poetical Dimension
Guru Nanak then makes a categorical statement: all of this sutak is an illusion, made up of the doubts in our minds born out of otherness. We perceive sutak because we are not Identifying with 1Force. Instead, with darkness enveloping our minds, we have become blinded by otherness and duality. Birth and death are under the Command of IkOankar (One Universal Integrative Force, 1Force, 1-Ness). These things cannot be brought into the framework of purity and impurity, or sacred and profane, as they happen in accordance with the Will. We cannot reduce things, like eating or drinking into this framework either, because eating and drinking even during birth or death, are technically ‘sacred,’ happening as per the Will of IkOankar. Whatever is bestowed upon us is sustenance provided in accordance with IkOankar’s will, and so we are empowered to consume it as part of the Command. Dividing things up into these designations of impure or pure is just another way that we create dichotomies out of 1-Ness, and distance ourselves from others.
Guru Nanak says, those who become Wisdom-oriented have understood this mystery, and do not even entertain the idea of purity or impurity. These Wisdom-oriented ones are in the direction of grace and have no need to take heed of these formal or informal conventions of purity and impurity.