This pauri (stanza), revealed by Guru Nanak Sahib, is accompanied by five saloks. The first salok comprises two lines, followed by two separate lines of ‘rahau,’ while the second salok comprises three. The first and second saloks describe the Sikh perspective on pain (dukh) and comfort (sukh). The third salok, which contains four lines, explains that devotion to IkOankar (the Divine) ought to be important to everyone. The fourth salok comprises three lines and designates IkOankar as the only source of illumination, the supreme, and the original source of all consciousness. The fifth salok, which contains two lines, highlights the importance of the Guru as the source of all wisdom essential for mental equipoise. This pauri reveals that in contrast to institutional education, truthful conduct is the only measure of significance in the court of IkOankar.
m: 2.
jog sabdaṅ   giān sabdaṅ   bed sabdaṅ   brāhmaṇah.
khatrī sabdaṅ   sūr sabdaṅ   sūdra sabdaṅ   parā kritah.
sarab sabdaṅ   ek sabdaṅ   je ko jāṇai bheu.
nānaku dāsu hai soī nirañjan deu.3.
Literal Translation
Interpretive Transcreation
Poetical Dimension
Guru Angad in verse two references the different roles given to various people in Indic traditions based on their caste and subverts these roles. It is the duty of a yogi to acquire knowledge, the duty of a Brahmin (a member of the highest caste, the priestly class) to read and recite the Vedas. It is the duty of a Kshatriya (a member of the second caste, the warrior class) to follow the instruction of bravery, and the duty of a Shudra (a member of the lowest caste, the laboring class) to serve others. But these are the divisions we have created as humans. If we really knew, if we really understood the mystery, we would know that the duty of all duties is one, and that there is only one Sabad (Word, or Instruction) for everyone. We change our messages based on caste, or class, but if we really knew this insight, if we understood the same vastness referenced in the first verse, we would know that the message does not change, no matter who we are.

Guru Angad ends this verse by saying that the one whose instruction Guru Angad follows is the one who is without filth, unblemished and immaculate.